Friday, September 19, 2014


Name of the Teacher :      Chinchu.A K                                                                              Standard :VIII
Name of the Subject :       Biology                                                                                      Date: 16-09-14
Name of the Unit      :       Irjn Xs¶ PohnXw                                                  Duration:45 min
Name of the Lesson  :     tX\o¨ hfÀ¯Â, ]«p\qÂIrjn

          Develops different dimensions of knowledge, process skills and attitude on apiculture and sericulture through lecture method, picture analysis and group  discussion and evaluation by questioning and group discussion.  


TERMS:     tX³,Huj[KpWw, t]mjI kar²w,tX\o¨ hfÀ¯Â,shÃns^d,sRmSnb³, ]«p\q Irjn,              aÄ_dn, emÀh, sIm¡q¬, skdnIĨÀ, F¸nIĨÀ

 FACTS :    

               1. tX³ t]mjI kar²hpw Huj[ KpWhpapff D¯a BlmcamWv
          2. tX\o¨ hfÀ¯Â BZmbIcamb Hcp sXmgnemWv
          3. dºÀ tXm«§fmWv IqSpXembpw tX\o¨ hfÀ¯en\v XncsªSp¡p¶Xv
          4. shÃns^d, sRmSnb³ F¶o C\§fmWv tX\o¨ hfÀ¯en\v D]tbmKn¡p¶Xv
          5. ]«p\qÂIrjn Hcp BZmbIcamb IrjnbmWv
          6. tX³, sagpIv F¶nhbv¡mWv tX\o¨sb hfÀ¯p¶Xv
          7. tX³ sIm­v ]ehn[ km[\§fpw D­m¡p¶p­v
          8. kuµcyhÀ²I hkvXp¡Ä,Huj[w XpS§nbhbmWv {][m\ DÂ]¶§Ä
          9. sX§n³ tXm¸pIfn CShnfbmbn aÄ_dn sNSn hfÀ¯mw
          10. ]«phkv{X¯nsâ ta³abpw AXnt\mSpff Xmev]cyhpw ]«p\qensâ BhiyIX hÀ²n¸n¡p¶p
          11. ]«p\qÂie`w ]qÀWhfÀ¨sb¯p¶Xv ]e cq]m´c§fneqsSbmWv
          12. ]«p\qÂie`w ap«bn«v GXm\pw Znhk§Ä¡ptijw ap« hncnbp¶p
          13. ap« hncnªp­mIp¶ ]pgp¡Ä aÄ_dn Ce `£n¨v hfcp¶p
          14. ]qÀWhfÀ¨sb¯nb ]«p\q ]pgp \q¡qSn\pffn kam[nbncn¡p¶p
          15. \q¡qSns\ FSp¯v  AXn \n¶pamWv ]«p\q thÀXncns¨Sp¡p¶Xv

 CONCEPT :    
          1. tX\o¨ hfÀ¯Â BZmbIcamb Hcp IrjnbmWv
          2. ]«p\qÂIrjn Hcp kwtbmPnX IrjnbmWv


               Enables the pupils to develops

1) Factual  knowledge  on the apiculture and sericulture through
     a) recalling the  new terms like apiculture ,sericulture, co coons , larva, honey etc.
     b) recognizing the different species of bees in apiculture
     c) Explaining the uses of honey
2) Conceptual knowledge about apiculture and sericulture through
    a) recalling the different uses of apiculture
    b) comparing the apiculture and sericulture
3)  Procedure knowledge on apiculture and sericulture through,
      a) Analysing the life cycle of silk moth

4) Meta cognitive knowledge on apiculture and sericulture through
      a)  Finding the functions  of bees in bee hives
      b) comparing the uses of honey and silk
5) Scientific attitude on apiculture and sericulture

6) Different process skills like,

      a) observing different stages of sericulture and apiculture
      b) communicating through presenting the group work


      tX\o¨ hfÀ¯Â Gähpw BZmbIchpw thK¯n sN¿mhp¶XpamWv.



1. tX\o¨ hfÀ¯Â, ]«p\q Irjn F¶nhbpsS  Nn{X§fS§nb ]eÀt]mbnâv

BIvSn\nän ImÀUv

1. tX³ sIm­pff D]tbmK§Ä FgpXm\pff BIvSnhnän ImÀUv

d^d³kv _p¡v

1. tIcf ]mTmhen- þimkv{X ]mT]pkvXIw  ----- SCERT- VIII

 2. A²ym]I klmbn   - SCERT -VIII

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