Friday, September 19, 2014


Name  of  the  teacher’s: Aswiny.A                             Standard: IX
Name  of  the  subject    : Pohimkv{Xw                       Date       :19/08/2014
Name  of  the  unit         : hfcp¶Xnsâ s]mcpÄ      Duration  : 45 mint
Name  of  the  lesson     :tImi hfÀ¨bpw                                       

Curricular  statement
           Develops different dimensions of  knowledge, process skill  and  attitude on cell division through lecture method , picture analysis , group discussion , and evaluation by questioning , recognizing and group discussion.
Content  analysis
New terms     : tImiw, tImi{Zhyw, ¹mkvamkvXcw, \yq¢nbkv, tImihn`P\w,
                  ]p{XnImtImi§Ä, sk³t{Smtkmw, s{Imamän³ PmenI, t{Ima
                  tkmw, \yq¢nbmÀkvXcw, s{ImamänUv, \yq¢ntbmekv, \yq¢ntbm¹m
                         kw, sk³t{SmanbÀ, tImihfÀ¨

Facts              :1.PohnIfpsS  LS\m]camb ASnØm\ LSIw tImiamWv.
                 2. PohnIfpsS Poh[À½]camb ASnØm\ LSIw tImiamWv.
                 3. tImi§fpsS F®w hfcp¶Xn\\pkcn¨v icocw hfcp¶p.
                 4. tImi\nÀ½nXn¡v tImi\nÀ½m® LSI§Ä BhiyamWv.
                 5. tImiw \nÝnXhep¸¯n F¯pt¼mÄ tImi hn`P\w
                 6. tImi {]hÀ¯\§Ä \yq¢nbkv \nb{´n¡p¶p.
  Major concept: 1.icochfÀ¨bn tImi§Ä {][m\ ]¦p hln¡p¶p.
                    2. tImihn`P\ kab¯v tImimwK§fpsS F®w hÀ²n¡p¶p.
 Minor concept: 1.tImi{]h¯\s¯ \nb{´n¡p¶Xv \yq¢nbkv BWv \yq¢nb
                     Ênse s{Imamän³ PmenI tImihn`P\ kab¯v t{Imatkmw
                    2.t{Imatkmansâ hn`P\hpw tImihn`P\¯n kw`hn¡p¶p.
                    3.tImiw ]qÀ®hfÀ¨sb¯n c­v ]p{XnImtImi§Ä Bbn
Learning outcomes
                        Enable the pupil to develops,
                       I.  factual knowledge on the basis of cell division  through,
a.  recalling the new terms like cytoplasam, nucleus, plasma membrane, centrosome, chromatin relicutum, chromosome etc
b.  Recognizing the different parts of  cell.
c.  Explaining the steps of cell division
                      II.  conceptual knowledge is about the steps of cell division,
a.  recalling  the  structure of  cell
b.  recognizing  the different parts of  cell.
c.  Explaining the process of cell division.
d.  comparing  the  difference between mother cell and daughter cell.
                      III.  procedural knowledge based on the steps of  cell division trough,
a.  Distingushing  between daughter cell and mother cell.
b.  Discriminating the changes occurring in the nucleus.
                        IV. metacoghitive knowledge on the basis of  the steps of cell divis-
                                ion through,
a.  recognizing the different parts of cell and nucleus.
b.  co- ordinating  the steps of cell division.
c.  judging the function of chromatin reticulum.
                         V. scientific attitude towards natural  phenomenon of growth.
                         VI. different process like
a.  observing the different parts of cell.
b.  classifying  the different parts and function of nucleus.
c.  communicating  through presenting in the group work.
Pre requisites
        PohnIfpsS hfÀ¨bv¡v tImi§fpsS F®¯nepÅ hÀ²\hv A\nhmcyamWv. tImi§fpsS hfÀ¨ Asæn AhbpsS F®¯nepÅ
hÀ²\hv tImihn`P\¯neqsS km[yamIp¶p.
Teaching learning resource 
       I C T  material:- tImiLS\
                                tImihn`P\¯nsâ hnhn[ L«§Ä
                       \yq¢nbknsâ `mK§Ä
    Models and charts:- t{Imatkmansâ tamUÂ
                             tImi¯nsâ hnhn[L«§Ä Nn{XnIcn¨ NmÀ«v.
Reference books
1.  9---mw ¢mknse SCERT ]mT]pkvXIw.(Pohimkv{Xw)
2.        A²ym]Iklmbn-  9------mw¢mkv.
Classroom interaction procedure
Expected  pupil response
      sNdp¸¯n \n§Ä D]tbmKn
¨ncp¶ sNcn¸pIÄ , hkv{X§Ä,F
¶nh C¶v \n§Ä¡v ]mIamIptam?
F´mWv ImcWw?sNdnbIp«nIfnÂ
s]«¶v amä§Ä D­mIp¶Xmbn
tXm¶nbn«pt­m?F´mWv AXn\p
ImcWw?hfÀ¨bneqsS kw`hn¡p
¶Xv F¶mWv? \½psS icoc¯n\v
Hcp ASnØm\ LSIw D­v F´m
Wv AXv?(B.B)



      tImi¯nsâ Nn{Xw AS§nb
BIvänhnän ImÀUv Ip«nIÄ¡v \Â
Ip¶p. tImi¯nsâ hnhn[ `mK
§Ä GsXÃmw F¶v ASbmfs¸Sp
¯m³ Bhiys¸Sp¶p.ASbmfs¸
Sp¯nb`m§Ä Ip«nIsf sIm­v

icoc¯nsâ Poh {]hÀ¯\§
sf \nÀ®bn¡p¶, \nb{´n¡p¶ ASnØm\LSIamWv tImiw. tImi¯ns\ hnhn[ `mK§Ä B
bn thÀXncn¨ncn¡p¶p.tImi{Zhyw,
Xcw F¶nhbmWh.

      tImi§Ä icoc¯nsâ hfÀ¨bn
Wv tImi§Ä hfcm³ klmSn¡p¶
Xv?(B.B) tImihn`P\w F¶Xv sIm
­v Dt±in¡p¶Xv F´v? So¨À tImi
¯nsâbpw tImihn`P\¯nsâbpw L«§Ä Ip«nIÄ¡v Im«nsImSp¡p
¶p.Nn{X¯n \n¶pw e`n¨Xv F´v
F¶v Ip«nItfmSv tNmZn¡p¶p. tImi
hn`P\¯n Fs´ms¡bmWv kw`
hn¡p¶Xv F¶v Ip«nItfmSv kb³kv
Ubdnbn FgpXphm³ Bhiys¸Sp
¶p.AXn\mbn Ip«nIsf {Kq¸pIfm¡n
thÀXncn¡p¶p.XpSÀ¶v Hmtcmcp¯
scbpw sIm­v D¯cw hmbn¸n¡p¶p
   tImi¯nsâ Gähpw {][m\ tI
{µamWv \yq¢nbÊv. tImihn`P\ th
fbn  \yq¢nbÊn [mcmfw amä§Ä kw`hn¡p¶p.\yq¢nbÊns\
aq¶v `mK§Ä Bbn thÀXncn¡mw.
\yq¢nbmÀkvXcw, \yq¢ntbm¹mkw,


\yq¢nbknsâ Nn{Xw ImWn¡p¶p.       

¯n ImWp¶ he¡®nIÄ t]msebpÅ `mKw {i²n¡phm³ B
He¡®nIÄ t]mse ImWp¶hbmWv
s{Imamän³ PmenI. tImihn`P\th
fbn s{Imamän³ PmenIbn Fs´
¦nepw amä§Ä D­mIptam? tImihn
`P\thfbn s{Imamän³ PmenI
t{Imatkmw Bbn amäs¸Sp¶p. XpSÀ
¶v B t{ImatkmapIfpsS F®w Cc
«n¡p¶p.CXn\p tijw BWv tImi
hn`P\w \S¡p¶Xv.

              tImihn`P\ thfbn \yq¢nbÊnse \yq¢ntbm¹mk¯nÂ
 he¡®nIÄ t]mse ImWs¸Sp¶
`mK¯ns\ ]dbp¶ t]cmWv s{Imam
än³ PmenI.tImihn`P\thfbn s{Imamän³ PmenI t{Imatkmambn amäs¸Sp¶p tijw Ch Cc«n¡p¶p.
Cu{]hÀ¯\tijw BWv tImiw ]qÀ®ambn hn`Pn¡s¸Sp¶Xv.

      tImihn`P\¯nsâ Nn{X§Ä A
S§nb Hcp slide {]ZÀin¸n¡p¶p.tIm
ihn`P\¯nsâ L«§fn s{Imamän
³ PmenIbv¡v kw`hn¡p¶ amäw F´v? {Kq¸vmbn Xncnªv FgpXphm³
Bhiys¸SpI Ah{Iaambn Ip«I
sf sIm­v hmbn¸n¡pI(B.B)

        tImihn`P\ thfbn s{Imamän
³ PmenI t{ImatkmapIfmbn amäs¸
Sp¶p. Cu t{ImatkmapIÄ Cc«n¡p¶p.AXn\ptijamWv tImi
hn`P\w \S¡p¶Xv.

        tImihn`P\¯nsâ {]m[m\yw,
AXnsâ hnhn[L«§Ä, F¶nh
t{ImUnIcns¨gpXphm³ So¨À Bh

Cà R§Ä hepXmbn



tImiw hn`Pn¡p¶p asämcp tImi
ambn amdp¶p.

 tImiw t{ImatkmamIp¶p

t{ImatkmapIÄ Cc«nbmIp¶p
tImihn`P\w \S¡p¶p.

Ip«nIÄ NÀ¨sNbvXv t{ImUoIcn¡p¶p.

Review question 
1.  icoc\nÀ½mW¯nsâ  ASnØm\ LSIw GXv?
2.  tImimwK§Ä GsXÃmw BWv?
3.  AmXrtImihpw ]p{XnImtImihpw X½nepÅ hyXymkw.
4.  \yq¢nbknsâ hnhn[ `mK§Ä GsXÃmw?
5.  s{Imamän³ PmenIbpsS [À½w F´v?
6.  tImihn`P\¯nsâ hnhn[L«§Ä GsXÃmw
7.  tImihn`P\¯n s{Imamän³ PmenIbv¡p­mIp¶amäw F´v?

Follow up activity
1.  tImihn`P\hpw icochfÀ¨bpw X½nepÅ _Ôw F´v?
2.  ]p{XnImtImiw  amXrtImiambn cq]s¸Spt¼Mä tImi¯n D­mhp¶ amä§Ä Fs´Ãmw?.


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