Name of the teacher : SEETHAL DAS L. Std. : IX
Name of the School : Aravukad High School, Punnapra Division: I
Name of the Subject : Biology Strength: 29/31
Name of the Unit : Blc¯nsâ cmkamä§Ä Date : 16.07.2014
Name of the Lesson : hmbnse Zlt\m]m[nIÄ Duration : 45 Mts.
Curricular Statement
Develops different divisions of knowledge process skills and attitude on organs of digestion in the mouth
through role play and observation and Evaluation by questioning and giving assignment
Content Analysis
New Terms: ]Ãv, \m¡,v Dan\oÀ{KÙn, ]mÂ]Ã- v, ØncZ- - ´- -§Ä, hnthI Z´§- Ä,
Dfn¸Ãv, A-{K-NÀÆ-W-Iw, NÀÆ-W-Iw, tIm¼Ãv.
Facts : -1) a\p-jysâ hmbn 32 ]Ãp-I-fpv
2) 3 tPmUn Dan\- oÀ{KÙ- n-Ifpapv
3) a\p-jysâ P\-\-tijw BZyw apfb- v¡p¶ ]Ãv ]m¸Ã- p-I- -fmWv.
4) ]m¸-Ãp-IÄ sImgn-ªp-t]m-Ip-t¼mÄ ]Icw Ønc-Z-´-§Ä apf-bv¡p¶p
5) {]mb-]qÀ¯nb- mb- -Xn-\pt- ijw am{Xta hnthI Z´-§Ä apfbv¡q
6) Dfn-¸Ãv `£W ]ZmÀ°§-Ä ISn-¨p-ap-dn-¡p-¶-Xn\pw tIm¼Ãv `£Ww
ISn¨p Iodp-¶-Xn\pw D]-tbm-Kn-¡p¶p.
7) A{K-NÀÆ-W-Iw, NÀÆ-WIw Blmcw Nh-¨-cbv¡p-¶-Xn\pw klm-bn-¡p¶p.
8) ico-c-¯nse Gähpw ISp-¸-apÅ hkv-Xphmb C\m-a BWv
9) \m¡ne- pÅ kzmZpa- pI- pf- §- f- mW v hyXykvXc- pN- nI- sf Xncn¨d- nb- ph- m³ klmb- n¡- p-
Major Concept : hmbn bm{´n-I-Z-l\w \S-¡m³ ]Ãpw \m¡pw klm-bn-¡p¶p
Minor Concept : -a\p-jysâ hmbn 32 ]Ãp-Ifpw \m¡pw aq¶p tPmUn Dan-\oÀ {KÙn-
Ifpw Dv.
Support System : 1) ^vfmjv ImÀUv
]Ãp-I-fpsS t]cpw AXnsâ [À½hpw hnh-cn-¡p¶ ^vfmjv ImÀUv
2) ]Ãp-I-fpsS t]sc-gp-Xnb Xncn-¨-dn-b ImÀUv
Reference Book:
a) SCERTbpsS 9þmw ¢mÊnse ]mT-]p-kvXIw
b) 9þmw ¢mÊnse A²ym-]I klmbn
Phase I
Warmup the group
1) Identify the Problem
2) Makes the problem explicit
3) Interpret the problem
4) Explain role play
Phase II
Select the Participants
1) Analyse the roles
2) Select the player
Phase III
Set the Stage
1) Set line of action
2) Restate roles
3) Get inside the problem situations
Phase IV
Prepare the observer
1) Decide what to look for
2) Assign observation
Phase V
1) Begin role play
2) Maintain role play
3) Breack roleplay
Phase VI
1) Review
2) Improvement of enacting
Phase VII
Play revised roles
Classroom Enteraction Procedure
]Ãp-I-fpsS t]cpw Ah-bpsS [À½-§-sf-¡p-dn-
¨pw, hmbn bm{´n-I-Z-l\w \S-¯m³ ]Ãpw
\m¡pw F§s\ klm-bn-¡p¶p F¶pw So¨À
NÀ¨ sN¿p¶p. C¶s¯ ¢mÊv km[m-cW
¢mÊn \n¶pw hXy-kvX-am-sW¶pw Hmtcm ]Ãntâbpw
hnh-c-W-§Ä A`n-\-bn¨p ImWn-¡phm\
pw Ip«n-I-tfmSv Bh-iy-s¸-Sp¶p.
Sn¨À Ip«nI- t- fmSv Ahc- h- À sNt¿Imcy
§- Ä
hyà-am-¡p¶p. XpSÀ¶v Ip«n-Isf Dfn-¸-Ãv,
tIm¼-Ãv, NÀÆ-WIw, A{K-NÀÆ-WIw F¶n-
§s\ \ma-I-cWw sN¿p¶p.
So¨À A`n-t\-Xm-¡-fmb Ip«n-IÄ¡v {]hÀ¯\
coXn hyà-am-¡p¶p. Hmtcmc- p-¯-tcbpw Ah-chÀ
sN¿p¶ tdmfn\v A\p-kr-Xmb
^vfmjvImÀUv sXc-sª-Sp-¡m³ Bh-iy-s¸-
Sp¶p. A`n-t\-Xm-¡-fmb Ip«n-I-tfmSv AhÀ
§-sf-¡p-dn¨v NÀ¨ sN¿m³
A`nt- \X- m¡- f- -Ãm¯ Ip«nI- t- fmSv A`n-t\X- m¡- Ä
cwK-th-Zn-bn sN¿p¶ Imcy-§Ä \oco-£n-
¡m³ Bhi- y-s¸-Sp¶p. A`n-t\-Xm-¡-fmb Ip«n-
I-tfmSv AhÀ sNt¿Imcy-
§s- f¡- pd- n¨v NÀ¨
sN¿m³ Bh-iy-s¸-Sp¶p.
A`n-t\-Xm-¡f- mb Ip«n-IÄ hnhn[ ]ÃpI- -tfbpw
AhbpsS [À½-§-sf-¡p-dn¨pw A`n-\-bn-¨p-Im-
So¨À \nco-£-I-cp-ambn A`n-\-b-s¯-¡p-dn¨v
NÀ¨ sN¿p¶p. A]m-I-X-IÄ a\-Ên-em-¡p-
Ibpw XpSÀ¶v A`n-\-bn-¡p-t¼mÄ hc-t¯amä-
§-sf-¡p-dn¨v a\-Ên-em-¡p-Ibpw sN¿p¶p.
Ip«nI- Ä Ah-cpsS A`n-\bw BhÀ¯n¡- p¶p.
Phase VIII
Discuss and Evaluate
Phase IX
Share experience and Generalise
Follow up activity
NÀÆ-W-Iw, tIm¼-Ãv, A{K-NÀÆ-W-Iw,
Dfn-¸Ãv F¶n-hbpsS [À½-§Ä Fs´-
Ãmw. Is
¯n kb³kv Ub-dn-bnÂ
A`n-\-b-s¯-¡p-dn¨v NÀ¨ sN¿p¶p.
Ip«nI- Ä Ah-cpsS A\p`- -h§- Ä hnh-cn¡- p¶LL
Name of the teacher : SEETHAL DAS L. Std. : IX
Name of the School : Aravukad High School, Punnapra Division: I
Name of the Subject : Biology Strength: 29/31
Name of the Unit : Blc¯nsâ cmkamä§Ä Date : 16.07.2014
Name of the Lesson : hmbnse Zlt\m]m[nIÄ Duration : 45 Mts.
Curricular Statement
Develops different divisions of knowledge process skills and attitude on organs of digestion in the mouth
through role play and observation and Evaluation by questioning and giving assignment
Content Analysis
New Terms: ]Ãv, \m¡,v Dan\oÀ{KÙn, ]mÂ]Ã- v, ØncZ- - ´- -§Ä, hnthI Z´§- Ä,
Dfn¸Ãv, A-{K-NÀÆ-W-Iw, NÀÆ-W-Iw, tIm¼Ãv.
Facts : -1) a\p-jysâ hmbn 32 ]Ãp-I-fpv
2) 3 tPmUn Dan\- oÀ{KÙ- n-Ifpapv
3) a\p-jysâ P\-\-tijw BZyw apfb- v¡p¶ ]Ãv ]m¸Ã- p-I- -fmWv.
4) ]m¸-Ãp-IÄ sImgn-ªp-t]m-Ip-t¼mÄ ]Icw Ønc-Z-´-§Ä apf-bv¡p¶p
5) {]mb-]qÀ¯nb- mb- -Xn-\pt- ijw am{Xta hnthI Z´-§Ä apfbv¡q
6) Dfn-¸Ãv `£W ]ZmÀ°§-Ä ISn-¨p-ap-dn-¡p-¶-Xn\pw tIm¼Ãv `£Ww
ISn¨p Iodp-¶-Xn\pw D]-tbm-Kn-¡p¶p.
7) A{K-NÀÆ-W-Iw, NÀÆ-WIw Blmcw Nh-¨-cbv¡p-¶-Xn\pw klm-bn-¡p¶p.
8) ico-c-¯nse Gähpw ISp-¸-apÅ hkv-Xphmb C\m-a BWv
9) \m¡ne- pÅ kzmZpa- pI- pf- §- f- mW v hyXykvXc- pN- nI- sf Xncn¨d- nb- ph- m³ klmb- n¡- p-
Major Concept : hmbn bm{´n-I-Z-l\w \S-¡m³ ]Ãpw \m¡pw klm-bn-¡p¶p
Minor Concept : -a\p-jysâ hmbn 32 ]Ãp-Ifpw \m¡pw aq¶p tPmUn Dan-\oÀ {KÙn-
Ifpw Dv.
Support System : 1) ^vfmjv ImÀUv
]Ãp-I-fpsS t]cpw AXnsâ [À½hpw hnh-cn-¡p¶ ^vfmjv ImÀUv
2) ]Ãp-I-fpsS t]sc-gp-Xnb Xncn-¨-dn-b ImÀUv
Reference Book:
a) SCERTbpsS 9þmw ¢mÊnse ]mT-]p-kvXIw
b) 9þmw ¢mÊnse A²ym-]I klmbn
Phase I
Warmup the group
1) Identify the Problem
2) Makes the problem explicit
3) Interpret the problem
4) Explain role play
Phase II
Select the Participants
1) Analyse the roles
2) Select the player
Phase III
Set the Stage
1) Set line of action
2) Restate roles
3) Get inside the problem situations
Phase IV
Prepare the observer
1) Decide what to look for
2) Assign observation
Phase V
1) Begin role play
2) Maintain role play
3) Breack roleplay
Phase VI
1) Review
2) Improvement of enacting
Phase VII
Play revised roles
Classroom Enteraction Procedure
]Ãp-I-fpsS t]cpw Ah-bpsS [À½-§-sf-¡p-dn-
¨pw, hmbn bm{´n-I-Z-l\w \S-¯m³ ]Ãpw
\m¡pw F§s\ klm-bn-¡p¶p F¶pw So¨À
NÀ¨ sN¿p¶p. C¶s¯ ¢mÊv km[m-cW
¢mÊn \n¶pw hXy-kvX-am-sW¶pw Hmtcm ]Ãntâbpw
hnh-c-W-§Ä A`n-\-bn¨p ImWn-¡phm\
pw Ip«n-I-tfmSv Bh-iy-s¸-Sp¶p.
Sn¨À Ip«nI- t- fmSv Ahc- h- À sNt¿Imcy
§- Ä
hyà-am-¡p¶p. XpSÀ¶v Ip«n-Isf Dfn-¸-Ãv,
tIm¼-Ãv, NÀÆ-WIw, A{K-NÀÆ-WIw F¶n-
§s\ \ma-I-cWw sN¿p¶p.
So¨À A`n-t\-Xm-¡-fmb Ip«n-IÄ¡v {]hÀ¯\
coXn hyà-am-¡p¶p. Hmtcmc- p-¯-tcbpw Ah-chÀ
sN¿p¶ tdmfn\v A\p-kr-Xmb
^vfmjvImÀUv sXc-sª-Sp-¡m³ Bh-iy-s¸-
Sp¶p. A`n-t\-Xm-¡-fmb Ip«n-I-tfmSv AhÀ
§-sf-¡p-dn¨v NÀ¨ sN¿m³
A`nt- \X- m¡- f- -Ãm¯ Ip«nI- t- fmSv A`n-t\X- m¡- Ä
cwK-th-Zn-bn sN¿p¶ Imcy-§Ä \oco-£n-
¡m³ Bhi- y-s¸-Sp¶p. A`n-t\-Xm-¡-fmb Ip«n-
I-tfmSv AhÀ sNt¿Imcy-
§s- f¡- pd- n¨v NÀ¨
sN¿m³ Bh-iy-s¸-Sp¶p.
A`n-t\-Xm-¡f- mb Ip«n-IÄ hnhn[ ]ÃpI- -tfbpw
AhbpsS [À½-§-sf-¡p-dn¨pw A`n-\-bn-¨p-Im-
So¨À \nco-£-I-cp-ambn A`n-\-b-s¯-¡p-dn¨v
NÀ¨ sN¿p¶p. A]m-I-X-IÄ a\-Ên-em-¡p-
Ibpw XpSÀ¶v A`n-\-bn-¡p-t¼mÄ hc-t¯amä-
§-sf-¡p-dn¨v a\-Ên-em-¡p-Ibpw sN¿p¶p.
Ip«nI- Ä Ah-cpsS A`n-\bw BhÀ¯n¡- p¶p.
Phase VIII
Discuss and Evaluate
Phase IX
Share experience and Generalise
Follow up activity
NÀÆ-W-Iw, tIm¼-Ãv, A{K-NÀÆ-W-Iw,
Dfn-¸Ãv F¶n-hbpsS [À½-§Ä Fs´-
Ãmw. Is
¯n kb³kv Ub-dn-bnÂ
A`n-\-b-s¯-¡p-dn¨v NÀ¨ sN¿p¶p.
Ip«nI- Ä Ah-cpsS A\p`- -h§- Ä hnh-cn¡- p¶LL
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