Friday, September 19, 2014

Roufaida Lesson plan

                                             LESSON PLAN

NAME OF THE TEACHER:  RUFAIDA A                                                 STANDARD: VIII
NAME OF THE SCHOOL: GOVT MODEL HSS AMBALAPUZHA        DATE:19-09-2014                                  
 NAME OF THE SUBJECT: BOILOGY                                                        DURATION: 45 min       NAME OF THE UNIT:  AN ADDRESS FOR LIVING BEINGS

                               CURRICULAR STATEMENT
Develop different dimensions of knowledge process skill and attitude on the importance and position of various organisms in the ecosystem through lecture method,demonstration,group discussion and evaluation by questioning

New Terms:
    Species, micro organisms, classification, habitat,biodiversity,biosphere.
 1.The biosphere is dynamic with the presence of life.
2.In earth there are many plants and animals.
3.Living Organisms are seen in various colours and size.
4.Living beings are seen in various colours and size.
5.Different living Organism have different habitat.
6.Earth worm and snake are cylindrical in shape.
7.Earth worm doesn’t have eyes and teeth.
8.Earth worm consumes Soil.
1. The living beings around us are different in size, colour and habitat.
2. Organisms can be classified based on their specific characters.

Learning Outcome
Enables the pupil to develop,
1.factual knowledge on the position of different organism in the ecosystem.through,
a)recalling the new terms like species, organism,habitat.
b)explaining about the different features of organisms.
 2.conceptal knowledge about the different organisms through
a)recognizing the difference in the habitat of various organisms
b)comparing the different features distinguishing living organism through,
a)differentiating the organisms on the basis of shape, colour and habitat.
3)procedural knowledge on the feature distinguishing living organisms through,
a)differentiating the organisms on the basis of shape, colour and habitat.
b)explaining the term habitat.
4.metacognitive knowledge on different classes of plans and animals through,
a)recognizing different classes of plants and animals.
5.scientific attitude towards the process of classifying organisms around us.
6.different process skills like,
a)observing different creatures around us.
b)classifying the features of different living things.
c)communicating through presenting the group work.

There is a wide variety of living organisms around us.The features of these organisms are differ from one another.

a)Flash card depicting the conversation between organisms.
b)Pictures of snake and earthworm.


a)  Basic science text book of standard eight Part 1. SCERT.
b) Teachers hand book of standard eight SCERT



The teacher shows the picture of a beautiful scenory and ask the students to observe it.the teacher ask the students what are the things that they can see in the picture? Do you all love the nature? Do all living things have the same characteristic features? How can we classify these organisms?


Activity 1-
The teacher calls three students to come forward.The teacher gives them three flash card depicting the conversation between three organisms.the teacher ask the students to read it loudly.

There is a wide variety of plants and animals around us.Each and every organism have equal importance on earth.

Activity 2-
The teacher ask the students to note down the names of some living things around us.Then the teacher ask them to list down 3 organisms on the basis of shape colour and locomotion in the science diary.then the teacher ask one of the students from each bench to read out the points they have noted.


All the living beings around us have different shape, colour, habitat and mode of locomotion.

Activity 3-
The teacher separate the students in to different groups and shows the picture of snake and an earthworm.Then the teacher ask to write down the difference between them in the science diary.
one student from each group is asked to present it in the class.

Earthworm does not have eyes, snake has eyes; earthworm does not have teeth; earthworm consume soil but snake consume other organisms.
The teacher ask the student to consolidate the topic on classification and different features that distinguish organisms.
1.what are the features that distinguish living organisms?
2.Difine habitat?
3.Which organisms is know as farmers friend?
4.What does earthworm consume?
5.What are the features that distinguish earthworm from snake?
Note down some more examples of different living things in your surrounding and classify them according to their size, colour and habitat.


Monkey, Elephant,Fish,Kingfisher,Tiger.

Grass hopper,cow,ox,parrot,Tiger,leopard,cat,crow,cuckoo.

Snake has teeth earthworm does not have teeth.snake eat small organisms earthworm eat soil.

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