Saturday, September 20, 2014


Name of the teacher: Rincy Babu                                                                        std:IX
 Name of the school    : St.michael’s H.S Thathampally                     
Name of the subject  : Biology
Name of the unit        : circulatory pathway
Name of the lesson    : components of the blood

Develop  different  dimensions of knowledge process skill and attitude towards the different  components  in the blood through lecture method ,demonstration ,power point slide presentation , group discussion and evaluation by questioning and giving assignment.

Terms   :  Blood ,organic compound, inorganic compound,  plasma, white blood cell, red blood cell, platelet.
Facts      :   1.Blood is a fluid tissue with a complex  structure.
                    2.The body of an adult human beings contains about 5 liter of  blood.
                    3.Blood flows  continuously throughout the body.
                    4.Blood transport materials into various part of the body.
                    5.Blood maintenance the temperature of the body.
                    6.The structure of blood is suited  for its function.
                    7.Blood consists of 55%  liquid plasma and 45% blood cells.
                   8. Blood have plasma , water, red blood cells and white blood cells.

     Major concept: The structure of the blood is suited for performing its function.
    Minor concept :1.Blood consists of 55% liquid plasma and 45% of blood cells.
                                 2. Transport of materials , providing immunity and maintenance of body temperature                                                                                                   
                                      are the function of blood. 
             Enables the pupil to develop,
       I.            factual  knowledge about the component of the blood through,
a.     recalling the terms like organic compound, inorganic compound, plasma, white blood cell, red blood cell, platelets.
b.     recognizing  the different  components of the blood.
c.      Explaining about the function of blood.

     II.            conceptual  knowledge about the different  components of the  blood through.
a.     recalling  the components   of the blood.
b.     recognizing  the concentration of blood cells and plasma in blood.
c.      Explaining the characteristics and function of blood.
  III.            Procedural  knowledge  on  the  components of the blood through,
a.     components of the blood in  terms of its adaptation.
b.     executing  the practical work of separating the  components  of blood.
  IV.            metacognitive  knowledge on the components of the  blood through,
a.     recognizing the components  of the blood through filling the flow chart.
    V.            scientific  attitude  towards the different components and function of the  blood.
  VI.            different  process skill like,
a.     observing the chart containing the concentration  of  different components of the blood.
b.     communicating  through presenting the group work.
            Blood is a fluid tissue which exchange gases in the cell.
*    Chart showing different components of blood.
*    Activity chart containing uncompleted flowchart of blood components.
*    Power point slide depicting the characteristics and function of the   blood.

*    Science  textbook of std  IX  by SCERT, Kerala.
*    Teacher’s handbook of std IX by SCERT, Kerala.


                                           Before entering the topic teacher asks the student  to all you  take  breath .And ask the student how these oxygen  reaches each  cell of body?  How does the  nutrients transport all over  the  body? Then teacher say  blood is a tissue fluid. Do you know what are the components in the  blood? Today  we study about the components of the blood.

Teacher says we  already learn blood is a tissue fluid. Blood contain different type of cell, how does it separate?By the centrifugation blood components  can separate. Then teacher explain the  procedure  of separation of blood component and slow virtual experiment video. Then teacher show the chart containing  different  components of the blood and asks the student to read it loudly. Then teacher explain the these  components.

                                             The blood contains 55% of blood plasma and remaining 45% consists of blood cells. Blood plasma and  blood cells containing various substance

                                                   The teacher  provide activity chart containing uncompleted  flow chart of blood component. Then teacher asks the student to observe carefully and also asks the students to complete this flow chart . Later teacher asks each student to read the answer to uncompleted part. Then again teacher explain about  the components of the blood .  
           The blood contain  plasma and blood cells. The plasma consists of water , organic compound , inorganic compound. WBC,RBC and platelets are the various cells of blood .

Teacher shows the power point slid showing the characteristics and function of blood. Then teacher were call a student and asks him to read it loudly. Later teacher explain the each characteristics of blood.
Blood is a fluid tissue with complex structure. Its structure is suitable for performing the function.

Teacher asks the students to discuss and consolidate about the different components of the blood.

1.What do you meant by blood?
2. How much amount of blood in the adult human body?
3. Blood contain  55% of --------
4.What are the different components of blood cell?
5. What are the components of plasma?
6.What are the function of blood?


Oxygen are transported through  the blood.  

Plasma, white blood cell and red blood cell are the components of blood. 

Plasma, organic compound, inorganic compound, water, WBC, platelets are the components of blood. 

Students consolidate about the different component of the blood.



               Write down the components  and characteristics  of blood in your science diary.

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