Friday, September 19, 2014

online assignment of Sujamol.s





                                            IT’S ORGANISATION.

SUBITTED BY                                                              SUBMITTED TO      
       SUJAMOL S                                                           Mrs. RADHA
      Roll No.131                                                            Lecturer in Natural Science
     Natural Science                                                      KUCTE ARYAD

SUBMITTED ON:-- 25/06/2014

SI.No.             Content                                                      Page.No.

     1      Introduction                                                           1
      2      What is library classification?                                              2                                
      3      Definitions of Library                                                          2
4       Science Library at School                                                   2
5       Main objectives of Science Library                                    3
6       Organization of Science Library                                         3
7       Important Library Resources                                               4
8       Utilization of Library                                                           5
9       Making science Library Popular                                         6
10     Conclusion                                                                          7
11     Reference                                                                            8

Library is the richest source of experiences from which the teacher can choose at will, any number of learning tasks appropriate to the student initiated and activity style of pedagogy. The school library is now regarded as a live place humming with activity. It is a place where pupils go, not only for study but for enjoyment too. Work and play go side by side in a typical progressive school library.
                                                 We are emphasizing “education for democracy” which, in turn warrants “democracy in education.” Library is the agency for experimentation in this “education for democracy” and “education in democracy.”
                                                  From the beginning children need an environment enriched by attractive books and it is one of the duties of the school to see that this environment is provided. If a child’s early experiences with books are pleasurable, a sound foundation is laid for their use his future development, because once the child has been taught to love and read books with a passion they become the main source for exploration of knowledge.

What is library classification?
A logical approach to the fundamental principles of this subject will be found   “Prolegomena to library classification.”An indirect and incidental contact them can be obtained from reading library classification:- fundamental and procedure. This last is practical hand book for those seeking systematic and graded training in the use of the colon and Decimal classification scheme.
 Library classification is the name of the subject of a book into a preferred artificial language of ordinal numbers, and the individualization of the several books dealing with the same specific subject by means of further set of ordinal numbers which represent some features of the book other than this thought content. The first of this ordinal number is the Class Numbers of the book. The second ordinal number is Book Number. It is used in practic, to separate the book number from the class number by a space, or to write one below the other. The class number and the book number together constitute the Call Number of a Book. The call number fixes the position of a book relative to the other books in a Library.
Definitions of Library
1.   The specific subject of a book is that division of knowledge whose extension    and intension are equal to those of its thought content.
2.   Artificial language of ordinal numbers.
One of the important recommendations made by the Secondary Education Commission was that every school has subject libraries, which are under the charge of subject teachers. It was felt that the subject teachers could enrich their teaching, making use of small collections of books on their own subjects. Science being one of the most important areas of school curriculum, the content of which
rapidly goes on changing, both teachers and pupils have to constantly go on reading books in the subject. This warrants provision of a rich and updated science library and every school. Science library thus can be a wonderful teaching- aid for realizing the demands of developmental education.
1.     To help teachers and pupils alike updates scientific knowledge.
2.     To facilitate “self studies” and “learning to learn.”
3.     To enrich curricular experiences.
4.     To create interest in science as a subject of study.
5.     To develop the habit of concentrated reading of knowledgeable books, with a purpose.
6.     To develop in the students critical attitude and capacity for independent judgment.
7.     To develop the habit of reading as a useful leisure time activity.

A well-equipped science library under the charge of a science teacher should be the setup in the school. The science teacher can equip the library depending on the availability of funds and accommodation facilities for the purpose. For building up a good science library at the school level the teacher should select only such books, which cover a wide range of topics. With a view to cater to develop the affective domain of the science students, books on scientific discoveries, magic in science, experiments in science, fun in science etc. must also find a place in the science library.

1.     Book Resource
    Text Books
                Library should have the variety of books in different sections.
             Variety of topics and currents developments in science and Technology.
    Literacy Materials
              Inspirational and imaginative literature, particularly adventure, should appear prominently along side books of information on children’s hobbies which may be anything from boats and balloons to kites. Easy biographies historical series, animal stories etc.
 Reference Materials
             The library should be fairly well equipped with reference materials-conventional and nonconventional.
2.     Non-Book Resources
                       Some good periodicals and magazines which throw light on current research findings should be available in the library.
                    Pamphlets published by various government agencies and bureaus for specialized services to also are very valuable sources of information required for realizing target of developmental education.

   News Papers
                  It is essential that the science teacher and pupil keep well informed of the developments that takes place in the field of science almost every day . A local news paper and one or two dailies of all-India circulation need to be provided.

It is necessary that pupils are taught the techniques of locating relevant reference and resource material in the science library within the least time possible. Assignments should be given in the form of problems. This would compel the pupil to investigate and examine multiple sources. In the course of  all search, pupil will not only assimilate some of the essential facts concerning the learning unit, but also start using these facts in creative and productive way to arrive at their own independent conclusions. This practice will certainly help in enriching knowledge and in developing interests, attitudes, value systems, competencies and related skills.“Educational Bibles” to be used as the sole authority helping cognitive development. They need to be supported. Supplemented and reinforced by other source of information.


1.     One of the most important objectives of science library is to develop in the child an interest in science.
2.     The teacher should set an example to pupils using the library.
3.     Many opportunities should be provided to children to have a free and frank discussions with the teacher about science book.
4.     Brief comments anecdotes, narration of interesting facts, as well as talks with individual children often help to create interest in science books.
5.     Provision can be made in the timetable for library work.


6.     Reading group can be organized under science club; pupils may be asked to keep diaries of what they read.
7.     The pupils may be encouraged to start science magazines.
8.     A bulletin board should be placed in the science library.
9.     Before assigning any work to the child, we must determine whether necessary material is available in the science library for reference.
10.    Pupils can give assignments that require them to borrow books from the science library and read.
11.     The science library should be made available for reading and for borrowing books as much as possible out of school hours.
12.     Whenever a teacher comes across with a new publication that can be of value to the students he or she should try to get it procured for the school library.
          Science library is a very important agency of a dynamic programme of science education. It has not been given the importance it deserves, in our schools. The significance and worth of science library service will be realized and practical steps taken for its implementation.

The library is one of the best information centre of the world. The reading habits of the children to develop with the help of teachers. All the school, colleges are associated with a library. They include number of fictions, literature, newspapers, biographies, dramas, novels etc. In colleges each departments associated with separate libraries and common libraries. One of the best recommendations made by Secondary Education Commissions. They can recommended some books to their students and encourage them to acquire the habit of extending and supplementing their knowledge by making proper use of science library.

1. Elements of Library Classification :-     S.R. Ranganathan.
2.  Science Education Methodology of  Teaching & Pedagogic Analysis:-
                      Dr. K. Sivarajan.

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